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This table lists downloads from this page, that has been added or changed with this Version of R-BASIC.
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Version History of R-BASIC 1.0
Important downloads from this page
If you are interested in R-BASIC, you should definitely download the components listed here. |
Version 1.0.4 December 2024 • R-BASIC IDE (1,4 MB) • Documentation (2,6 MB) • Examples (3.8 MB) Unchanged since V.1.0.2 • Images (17 kB) Unchanged since 09/2018 Recommended packages Perhaps required:
Screenshots: More Topics: |
The newest version of the R-BASIC program. For full installation, you have to download the
following packages:
For installation, you need the newest version of the Universal-Installer, available here.
ResourceFile Libray Version 1.0 (50 kB) January 2022 Released with R-BASIC 1.0 |
The ResourceFile library gives you access to graphics and texts that are not stored in your program itself, but in a resource file.
To create a resource file you can use the program "Data ResourceMaker" (Download here, German only).
GeoRun Libray Version 1.0 (58 kB) August 2021 Released with R-BASIC 1.0 |
With the GeoRun library you can contact other GEOS programs from R-BASIC. You can start them, pass them files and close them. Furthermore, you can establish a connection between two R-BASIC programs so that they can communicate with each other. An example for the communication of two R-BASIC programs is included. |
DocumentTools Libray Version 1.1 (70 kB) February 2020 Released shortly after R-BASIC 0.9.9.C |
The DocumentTools library provides a lot of functions to help you working with documents.
One example are the typically dialog boxes to open a file or to save it with a new name.
The routines of the DocumentTools library works closely together with the DocumentGuardian
object. Using the routines from the DocumentTools library makes it very easy to implement
a document interface, which provides the common functionality. This is explained in detail
in the "Special Topics" manual, volume 3, chapter 15.
The whole document interface code can be included into your program from a R-BASIC menu ("Extras", "Code Sequences", "Document Interface"). In this case, the DocumentTools library is required because it is used by the code, inserted from this menu. |
VMFiles Libray Version 1.0.1 (109 kB) July 2015 Released with R-BASIC 0.9.2 |
The VMFiles library allows R-BASIC the access to the powerful GEOS VM files. The documents
of all "big" GEOS applications, like GeoDraw, GeoWrite, and R-BASIC itself are VM files. VM files are versatile and simple to use. An example - you want to develop your own movie database program. In this case you should use VM files. You don't need to know how many movies finally will be stored in the database before you start developing. A single command allows you to add or remove a movie title. If you like to add a movie cover image to your database, you can do this with some few commands. VM files are designed to store images, too. The VMFiles library is required for working with VM files. |
SDK Library Kit (28 kB) Version 1.0.1 August 2017 Released with R-BASIC 0.9.8 |
This package conatins all necessary files and information to write libraries for R-BASIC
with the PC/GEOS SDK. This allows you to add features to R-BASIC, which are usually not
supported. For example, the VMFiles library and DocumentTools library are
written with this kit.
This kit is complete in English. It contains detailed descriptions and examples for typical situations. Version 1.0.1 adds a few handle and "register" types about sound issues to the sdklib.goh file. You may update your version 1.0 to 1.0.1 only if you wish to deal with R-BASIC sounds in your library. |
Two Folder Icons (3 kB)
Dezember 2021 |
This TokenLoader file contains two icons for your R-BASIC folders.
16 color icon from JPG file
Tutorial (18 kB)
Version 1, November 2019 |
This short tutorial describes how to create a relatively high-quality 16-color icon when you have a JPG image as source. |
Download Mouse Pointer Creator |
This program helps you to create mouse pointer images for use with the R-BASIC command View.ReadPointerImage.
Additonally, the image can be written as GOC code. To access the program from R-BASIC Tools menu you have to place a copy of the program in the folder USERDATA\R-BASIC\Tools This program is written in R-BASIC and will run whithout the R-BASIC IDE installed. |
More Tool Images Version 2 March 2019
This package contains a lot of small images known form toolbar objects. You may use these
images to build your own tool buttons. There are images for bitmaps, colors, object tools
(for example rectangle or line), text tools (for example bold text, underlined text) and
a lot of other tools.
As an addition, there are the images for a complete card deck included. Files will be installed to USERDATA\R-BASIC\IMAGES and are ready for use with the CaptionImage command, the Picture-List and other related commands. Version 2 contains additional images for tool buttons and has been released with R-BASIC 0.9.9.A. |
R-BASIC Translator Version 1.1 August 2015
Translation tool to translate R-BASIC Apps and libraries from or to a foreign language. The link
points to the download page, which has more important information. |
Creating Icons
IconMake 1.1 (31 kB)
Icon Edit 3.1 (31,4 kB)
Token PCX Tool (8,9 kB) March 2013 |
ICONMAKE is a DOS program by Marcus Groeber, that converts PCX or ICO file
to "Token-Dummies". That are mini GEOS programs that install its token to the token
database file.
The Icon Editor is a GEOS appliaction that allows to draw icons for GEOS. It's
a little painting program that supports read and write tokens from and to the token
database. It also supports writing the tokens as source code for the SDK and much more. Token PCX Tool is a small tool from SDK that can read 8 bit per pixel PCX files and create an icon in the token database file from that pcx file. The pcx file must have the icon images at mandatory positions. Details are explained in the readme.txt file. A demo pcx file is also included. |
More Tools (15.6 kB) Nov. 2010 |
More Tools for R-BASIC. Accessible from R-BASIC under "Extras"-"Tools" - BuilderBase (from BreadBox) - HDBConv (Hex-Dec-Bin-Converter, John Howard) |
More Examples
Transparent Background Source (38 kB) Version 2.0 März 2019 Screenshot (program) |
Source code, icon editor file and translator file of the "Transparent Background" program. The program works with the clipboard, uses various dialogs, several ColorSelctor objects and views. It demonstrates, among other things, how to use GStrings and working with transparent bitmaps. Level: Advanced You may download the compiled program (R-App) here. |
Brick Puzzle Source (250 kB) Version 2.0 März 2019 Screenshot (program) |
Source code and icon editor file of the game "Brick Puzzle". The code shows, among other things, how to use the mouse, especially for dragging of objects (outlines) across the screen, how to write text to a graphic without flickering and how to play background music. The score will be automatically saved to a file and loaded again when restarting. Special emphasis was placed on the documentation and struturierung of the code, so that not only advanced users can profit from it. Level: Beginner with experience You may download the compiled program (R-App) here. |
Beetle Catch Source (101 kB) Version 2.0 March 2019 Screenshot (program) |
Source code and icon editor file of the game "Beetle Catch". In the original, the game is a KC-85 program. In the archive there is the unported original code as well as two versions of the R-BASIC program. The first version shows how you can port a classic BASIC program (no matter which source system) to R-BASIC. In the second version the classic BASIC relics such as line numbers and GOSUB commands are removed and replaced by subroutines and functions. This code is much clearer. Level: Beginner with experience You may download the compiled program (R-App) here. |
Orbit Source (104 kB) Version 2.0 March 2019 Screenshot (program) |
Source code and icon editor file of the game "Orbit".
In the original, the game is a KC-85 program. The code shows how to port a classic BASIC program (no matter which system) to R-BASIC. Included in the archive is the original, unported code. Level: Beginner with experience |
Mouse Pointer Creator Source (81 kB) Version 1.0 November 2018 Screenshot (program) |
Source code and Iconeditor file for the tool "Mouse Pointer Creator".
This example shows how to edit a graphic with the mouse, uses its own mouse pointer image
and can save the pointer image in a data file. There are tow parts: the program code itself and the code for the document interface. It is possible to understand and use the program code istself without dealing with the document interface code.
Level: The compiled program (R-App) may be downloaded here. |
FileLister Source (31 kB) Version 1.0 August 2014 |
Sourcecode and icon editor file of the FileLister Application. This example shows how to scan a file tree by
having a routine to call itself (recoursive programming), how to write text to a file and
how to create a HTML file. Level: Advanced The compiled program (R-App) may be found here. |
2048 Game Sourcecode (82,7 kB) Version 1.0 August 2014 |
Source code of the cultic 2048 game. It shows some basic techniques like working whith structures,
OnStartup- and OnExit handlers as well as saving data in a file. The compiled program (R-App) may be found here. Level: Advanced |
Cool Code (14,9 kB) März 2013 |
A very simple example. Uses the block graphic mode to create an random labyrinth. Requires R-BASIC 0.8.7 or higher, because the block font file (ALIEN.RBF) must contain the characters, used in this example. Level: Beginner |
Rätsel by Jörg Polzfuß (30,3 kB) March 2012 |
A little numer puzzle, written by Jörg Polzfuß on the meeting in Syhra, Gemany in 2011.
This very simple example is a good starting point for experiments with the UI and the geometry manager.
Level: Beginner |
Release Saver Example (59,6 kB) March 2012 |
This complex example demonstrates how to use a lot of file commands. This includes searching for files
and error handling in different situations. Core point is the copy of files and whole folders, including
its sub folders. I use this program so save different stages of R-BASIC developement.
Level: Professional |
This object connects your program to the GEOS system. It is the top parent for all other generic objects in your program. Every BASIC program must have exactly one Application object. Usually, the direct child of the Application is a Primary object. | |
Objects of class Primary are the main windows of your program. They have a system menu in the left upper corner, a minimize button a maximize button and a help button in the right upper corner. Usually, R-BASIC programs have exactly one Primary object. | |
A button is an active area that can be activated by mouse or by keyboard. Buttons are used for menu items or as single objects. | |
Groups are designed to organize its children in the way that you as programmer wish. The application on the left consists of a group (red, above) and a reply bar (which really is a group too) below. The red framed group contains a text object on the left side and a (blue framed) group that contains some action buttons. | |
Menus are the common way for the user to access different parts of the program functionality. Menu items are the children of a menu object. Very often, these are buttons. You may create nested menus by having a menu object to be a child of another menu object, as shown in the image on the left side. You may also use dialogs to be a menu's child. The system will create a button as menu item for you, that open the dialog. Any other objects, for example groups or list objects, are allowed for menu items, too. | |
Dialogs are independently-displayable interface elements used to display information or other UI objects. They are used for different purposes. Therefore, a Dialog object has a lot of features that makes dialog easy to use. On the other hand, dialogs may be configured to do advanced things. | |
Objects of Number class allow to display or to enter a number. They are simple to use and
very versatile. For example, you may configure the numer of decimal places as well as the
minimum and the maximum value to display. Number objects may be configured to appear as
The OptionGroup manages a list of Option objects. Every Option object may have the state "on" or "off". | |
The RadioButtonGroup manages a list of RadioButton objects that may be selected individually or in groups. The RadioButtonGroup is a very versatile object. It is often used when the number of list items is known and does not change while the program is running. | |
The DynamicList is a subclass of the RadioButtonGroup and therefore it inherits all its capabilities. A DynamicList is often used when the number of list items is initially unknown or may change while the program is running. | |
with a BitmapContent
The View object class provides a "window" to graphic data (this includes text) you wish to display. The data to be drawn are provided by the views "content" object. This content object just has to know how to draw the data, that's all. The view, on the other side, handles scrolling (if necessary), scaling and clipping. It requests its content do draw itself, but the view decides which part of that drawing will appear on the screen. This is a very powerful concept. | |
Objects of class BitmapContent are "content" objects of a View object. They manage an editable bitmap. The object automatically creates its bitmap. You may write (draw) text or graphics to the bitmap of the BitmapContent object.
BitmapContent Objects may react on keyboard and mouse events by calling the aproriate handlers. It also may work with the Clipboard. |
with some VisObj objects
Objects of the VisContent class are used to output graphics in a scalable and scrollable View.
They can also respond to keyboard and mouse input.
The VisContent object either provides the graphics itself, or it uses children
(of the VisObj class), which in turn can output graphics and respond to keyboard and mouse.
The picture on the left shows a VisContent that displays a background graphic on which the VisObj objects are drawn. |
Objects of the VisObj class display user-defined graphics as children of a VisContent.
They can interact with the mouse and keyboard. Furthermore, they can have children
(further VisObj objects) themselves.
R-BASIC supports the positioning of VisObj objects with the mouse (dragging) very comfortably. |
Objects of GenContent class are used to show generic class objects like buttons in a
scrollable View. For example the "Preferences" application uses this mechanism. GenContent objects may have any kind of generic class objects as its children. In the image on the left side this are three Buttons, a RadioButtonGroup and a Canvas object. |
The ViewControl object class provides the UI for the "View" menu. This UI basically controls the scale factor
and some other features of controlled View objects. When the View is configured to work with a ViewControl object all interaction between View and ViewControl takes place automatically. |
Canvas objects display a graphic by calling its OnDraw handler. They also may work in a very fast mode, called bufferd mode. Canvas objects may react on mouse events. You have to write mouse handlers for this purpose. Additionally, Canvas objects may work with the clipboard. | |
An Image object displays a graphic which is stored in a graphics file or in the PictureList.
You have nothing to do but to specify the graphic to display. The object may also play
animations from a file. You may specify if the animation will run automatically or on request.
Supported graphic formats:
The R-BASIC text objects allow simple text input, without requiring extensive support in
your application. Text objects handle keyboard and mouse events automatically and will create
scroll bars if they are needed. They know if the text is modified by the user and may send out
messages for different events.
All Text objects can work with the clipboard. In R-BASIC there are four text object classes available.
| |
A file selector provides a user interface, which is recommended to select a file or a directory. The file selector sends a notification message as soon as a user clicks to an entry, so the programmer can manage the further steps.
In the most cases the selected file will just be opened. The navigation to drives and sub directories handles the FileSelector by itself.
Which file will be shown in the list can be controlled for example by the file token or by a file mask. |
A ColorSelector provides the UI needed to select a color, a shaded value or a fill pattern.
The programmer can select which of these features are displayed to the user. By default, only the index colors are available, as shown in the picture on the left.
Object of the class Display are the "windows" in which all big applications like GeoWrite
or R-BASIC display its data. For this reason, Display objects contain other UI objects
to display the content. In the image to the left this is a Memo object.
Display objects have to be children of a DisplayGroup object. A DisplayGroup provides the visible area for the Display objects. The image on the lefts side contains three Display in a DisplayGroup. |
The DisplayControl provides the UI to allow the user to interact with the DisplayGroup object. It also contains al list of all available Displays. As shown in the image on the left, a DisplayControl is usually a child of the "Window" menu. | |
A lot of programs work with documents. Objects of class DocumentGuardian help the programmer to manage documents.
They store important common information about a document such as the file name, the path, the file type, the token and the FILE handle of the open document file.
DocumentGuardian objects works closely together with the library "DocumentTools". For example, this library provides some dialog boxes such as "Open" and "Save as". DocumentGuardian objects can also work with the "VMFiles" library. This library allows access to the powerfull "virtual memory" (VM) files, which are used as documents by all big GEOS applications. |
When the user should be allowed to select or change the size of a document, you should include a PageSizeControl object. This object provides all UI, required to select or change the page size, the paper format or the margins. |
Click on the images for full size view. This Overviews comes from the R-BASIC\Documents folder (GeoDraw file).